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Reddit Dominator

Reddit, self-proclaimed as 'The Front Page of the Internet', is one of the most fascinating places online where people love things that are unique, funny, interesting, and cute to discover and share. It is immensely famed for bringing in qualified leads and helping business in so many sophisticated ways that many are not aware of.
With 12,000 subreddits with at least 100 followers each, 15 million unique page views per month and 8,000+ page subscriptions per day as of last count, Reddit is a powerful community of people. If you're a marketer, you can immediately understand the brand equity and sales this resource can bring through sharing the content with over 90 million unique visitors
Selectivity of impression, automatic segmentation of market and insanely interactive communities make Reddit one of the best content curation tools, spreading your content only to like-minded individuals. This can mean very precise targeting and a floodgate of leads if used correctly.
So when Redditors don't like to be led astray by lazy marketing efforts, how do you leverage your brand to serve as a platform for valuable content to engage your audience? Here's where RedditDominator comes to your help with its features to create a seamless marketing experience on Reddit.
 Version :
OS : Windows
Price : $499
Homepage : SalesPage

  • Account Manager : Upload accounts,delete accounts,clear proxy and assigns proxy.
  • Voting : votes upvote and downvote
  • Scrape URL : extracts Url lists
  • Comment : Helps you to comment on any post
  • Url Submitter : submit your post using Url.
  • Text Submitter : submit your post using text.
  • User Checker : Tweet using keywords to the targeted users.
  • DBC Settings : DBC (death by Captcha) for account creation by filling up the required details.
  • Proxy Setting : deals with both Public and Private proxies
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