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Pin Blaster 2.89

World’s Best Pinterest Automation Software! What used to take hours to do, Pin Blaster does in minutes: 1. Multiple accounts & proxy support, 2. Easy scrape and follow users, 3. Multi threaded actions, 4. Pin, like, comment repin with 1 click, 5. Auto post content on your blog
 Version : 2.89
OS : Windows
Price : $67
Homepage : SalesPage

Multiple account support
  • Create boards – multi threaded board creation in different categories
  • Check if accounts are still valid or not
  • Add board co creators (who can pin in your board)
  • Delete boards from accounts
  • View number of boards, followers and following for every account
  • Private and public proxy support (both ipv4 and ipv6)
  • 100% Http Requests making it very fast and reliable
  • Auto unblock accounts by connecting to the email associated with the account
Follow and Unfollow users
  • Scrape users from category, keyword, user or location (geo target)
  • Add users manually 1 by 1 or mass import from file
  • Follow users with all accounts or with a single account. You have the option to follow X users / account than switch to next account + tons of other options
  • Find all people you follow so you can unfollow them
  • Find fake friends (users that YOU FOLLOW but that do not follow you back)
  • Unfollow fake friends (works with 1 account or all your accounts)
  • Export users/followers
Pin Actions module (gather pins and like/repin/comment the pins)
  • Search for pins from a specific category, keyword or account
  • filter pins (gather pins that have minimum X likes or minimum Y repins)
  • Multi threaded like/repin/comment all the gathered pins
  • Change repin links
  • Use random boards or default boards when repinning
Content Poster (pin your own pins, add them to your blog
  • Add images manually directly from your PC
  • Import pins from Pin Grabber
  • Upload images on your blog and then pin on pinterest
  • Pin images directly on Pinterest
  • Enter custom repin links
  • Scedule actions so you can set and forget
  • Spyntax support
  • Mass like or comment your own pins
  • Multiple campaign support (multiple lists)
  • View pin preview (so you can see how it will look on Pinterest)
  • Shuffle or export pins
Pin Grabber – Scrape Pins
  • Download images from Pinterest based on category, keyword or account
  • Download images from 9Gag.com
  • Set custom text before or after original description
  • Export directly for Pin Blaster
Other settings
  • Multi threaded for all functions
  • Custom delays on all actions you do (random between 2 values)
  • Private and public proxy support
  • Log reports (on screen log reporting, you can track the status of your current action, see errors etc…
  • Auto watermark the images before you upload them
  • Do actions on 1 account or on a group of accounts at a time
  • Randomize accounts before doing actions
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