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Expired Article Hunter v2.0.0.7

Getting content doesn’t have to be a pain With EAH you’ll never have to write or buy articles again!
 Version : v2.0.0.7
OS : Windows
Price : $47
Homepage : SalesPage

Lightning fast!
Expired Article Hunter is multi-threaded for maximum speed.
Proxy Scraper/Checker
Quickly scrape your own proxy lists and test them against any site!
Expired Domain Scraper
Expired Article Hunter has an expired domain scraper built in.
Quickly Post to WordPress
Post your scraped articles to any WordPress site with the click of a button.
Built in Copyscape Checking
Check Copyscape to ensure articles are one of a kind!
Weed Out Spun Content
Use the readability checker to detect possibly low quality or spun content.
SEO is hard. Let us help you out!
Getting quality content doesn’t have to be a pain
Writing high quality articles can be extremely time consuming and stressful. Purchasing articles may be easier, it can also be quite taxing on your wallet. With Expired Article Hunter you can say goodbye to both. Our software will quickly find articles that are no longer indexed in Google by scraping expired websites for their forgotten content.
  • No expensive proxies needed!
  • Autopilot content discovery. Set it and forget it!
  • Pay once and get free updates for life.
  • Extremely simple to use. Gather articles with 3 button clicks or less!
  • No captcha solving services needed.
What are you waiting for? Stop paying for expensive articles or writing your own and start saving time and money today!
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